Friday 31 October 2014

Me and me

Give us your profile,
tell us who you are,
your good points, your bad points,
they say

A game: putting the pigeon in the humanhole;
the pigeon chuckles and coos

A description, an outline, about;
psychometric blank filling,
to know, and to know better,
and better to know something

I know where to start, but
I don’t know where to end
me, me, mE, me, Me, me, mE, me,
Me, me, Me, me, me, me, me, me

I can give you a me, but not the me;
this me is already different from
every me in the list.

The me that stands now was
lying down a while ago;
the bad of that me does not
exist in the good me of now, and now gone.

Friday 24 October 2014

The OR Shines

       As per most days, the OR (office robot) boarded the 8:51 on the Odeo Line. It had been a bit of a hurry this morning; its metal body was not wearing the familiar glistening sheen. The OR looked worried. Better do something about it before reaching the office. What would the others say? More of the same old gossip about appearance; but one has to remember how beautifully the other ORs sparkle, how well they maintain their metal complexions. Yes, there’s a lot of pressure to compete with the others, and to look good at all times.
       The OR put its hand into its tool box and rummaged deeply and blindly through the comprehensive collection of tools and materials, now considered de rigueur by respectable  ORs. The fingers squeezed through the contents, through the reassuringly familiar feel of the miniature planishing hammer, the small screwdrivers, wrenches, assorted abrasive compounds, buffing powder phials, and polishing pads. The finger sensors recognized the sensuous texture of the quick-shine durable super-pad, and out it came to implement its task. Rub, gentle rub, slow rub, quick swish, delicate circulating motion, tap, dab, tap, dab.
       The others in the carriage sat perfectly still, except for their eyes, which betrayed a hint of disapproval, but at the same time were careful not to express their irritation too explicitly. They were all thinking the same:
No sense of shame, never heard of politeness, decorum, thinking of others. These kinds of cosmetic ablutions should be carried out at home.
Eventually, an elderly passenger dared to rebuke the inconsiderate miscreant: You don’t have to do that here. Do it at home. Makes me sick to see this kind of thing in public. It was different in the past.
The OR ignored this outburst and completed its final touches to its all-important appearance.
       The OR got off the train at the next station. As it climbed up the stairs and headed for the exit, it was just about noticeable that some sort of enhancement had been carried out on the smooth sheen of the silver body. It looked a little cleaner, a little younger than most of the other silver bodies beneath the bobbing silver heads rushing up the stairs and escalators at the same time.

Sunday 12 October 2014


                                                       波波           波
                         波        波
              波     波



Sunday 5 October 2014


under the eaves
a pair of sparrows;
typhoon from the west

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Surreal happy ending

The strain
of the brain
riding on the trains

The stress
of the guess
how much bigger is more than less

The ache
of the fake
that’s the icing under the cake

The toll
on the mole
in the hole

The scare
of the tear
in the teddy-bear

The dread
of the bed
on your head

The calm
of the palm
on her arm