Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Lament of the Right

didn’t do…….not concerned…….not…….fault.......
don’t blame…….
not like…….just leave alone…….why.......
settled long ago…….
wrong…….equality…….who deserve it…….past gone…….
forget it…….
are right…….newspapers right…….
trying to take over…….
kick out…….worked for all this…….give up nothing…….
a conspiracy…….
all this talk........never change…….tell you again…….
ruin us…….change is if…….what do they know……..
wrote lies…….spoke untruths…….
correct version…….no proof…….let be…….
pure and simple…….
cannot understand………foundation solid…….roots go deep…….
are right……..are right…….right.......right…….right…….